Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The Clarins Girls

Born with A game. Beauty, brains and success were inevitable for these ladies. Some girls have all the fun.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Dungaree Me

I've always considered the dungaree the uniform of the over indulged and uninspired. The reason so may 90s 3 year olds voluntarily wet themselves in nursery due to those ridiculous metal clip thingys that were IMPOSSIBLE to negotiate with tiny chalk filled hands (or so I've heard). It was also what Rachel wore after she left her fiancĂ© at the altar, had to cut up her credit cards and get a job serving her friends coffee. I had no desire to join this club. And in there, my friends lies it's beauty. 

The original double denim (like you had a choice) has now been transformed into buttery soft leather worn over dropped arm holes and pared with cab to curb heels. My fingers are now big enough to manoeuvre the clips, and I'd happily serve coffee if it meant I'd look like this. The fickleness of fashion rears it's ugly head yet again. One lump or two?

Monday, 8 April 2013

Sunday, 7 April 2013

New Zara necklace. The Spanish, designer-style threads have had me in a spin for the last year and a half.. I'll often leave the house, soon realising that I'm head to toe in the stuff. It's the only place I tend to head on the high street to pick up a chic but cost friendly piece of jewellery... Topshop has gone so samey, and you can spot the brand details a mile off. Zara takes the crown for me this season. 

Get me on Instagram // Lucy_Smith_

Saturday, 6 April 2013

ASOS do it again. Holy Moly door knocker knock outs.

I love Net-a-porter, I really, really do. When I've ever got an extra bit of cash (very rare these days) I'll head on over to see what investment piece I can get my mitts on. Door knocker earring's are still the accessory of the season, and I always find myself having a virtual window shop.. scrolling down oohing and ahhing at the offerings of Kenneth Jay Lane and Erickson Beamon. Full of sparkly delights.. Aladdin's cave ain't got nothing on my Net-a-porter wish list! A deep breath later, I mosey on over to ASOS to satisfy my craving... How amazing have their jewellery offerings been as of late?! Don't get me wrong.. the quality most definitely reflects the price, but for something I'm only ever going to wear a handful of times, that's a compromise I'm willing to make.
Take a look at the comparison yourself.. God bless the British (virtual) high street.

The Marbled Stone Drop Earrings are already on their way to me!..I'm calling it a late Easter present as I did not receive one chocolate egg this year!

Easter weekend with Louis Vuitton checks and YSL vintage

Just a quick outfit post today. I have been SO busy as of late, blogging has taken a bit of a back seat. I've been busy making plans for my future, and now I've finally decided where I'm heading it's all hands on deck. More to come on that little gem (hint)...

Anyway, I picked up this knitted dress on ASOS. I instantly thought Louis Vuitton checks as soon as I spotted it, and I thought the baby blue was so perfect for the easter weekend I couldn't resist! It's exclusive to their Petite range so I was worried that it would be super short, but standing at 5ft 4 the length was fine on me. I teamed it with some vintage YSL earrings and a belt that I wore as a necklace. 

I hope you all had a fabulous Easter!