Saturday, 29 December 2012

So here we are, over a month down the line from the last post. How did this happen? How did the 22nd November turn into 29th December?!

I guess that's what happens when you get up at six, and get home fourteen hours later during the week. All for the love of what I was doing in-between those hours though. Any ideas I had were implemented in the day job... and my dearest blog was left alone. Readership dwindling, and making me look like a right  tosser for not making the effort every now and again. 

I definitely had plans to blog throughout my internship at ASOS. Oh yes... Great plans. If anything, I know that that's what a lot of you would like to read about. But contrary to popular belief, I'm pretty private when it comes to my actual life. Aside from the the odd Instagram or Facebook/Twitter update, I like to keep everything else for me, and my own thoughts. Don't want anyone else's thought's imposing on mine do I?! 

Most friends and even family have no idea what I get up do day to day, and when they ask, I give them a snippet. Not wholly intentional, it just comes naturally. I mention something in a meet with the girls, to responses of "Why don't we know about this?!".. Just didn't enter my head to tell you, really. Is that weird??

So that's probably why I haven't documented the last three months on here. 

BUT. We're now in the sandwich of the Christmas break (in-between Christmas Day and NYE)... aka, the boring bit. I've drunk enough prosecco, ate enough biscuits, chocolates, mince pies, and various versions of, lets face it, a turkey sandwich to know that I'm on the home straight. Back to London where I will be starting at Grazia. Maybe I'll make it my new years resolution to be a bit more transparent day to day? I'll try. 
And God loves a trier. Apaz. 



  1. Love your writing style! I often muse similar things of blog neglect.

    Had no idea ASOS did an ed internship, go you! x

    1. Hi Ashleigh.. Sorry have only just seen this! (Hence even further nags of blog neglect). Yep, they ran a competition last year for a 3 month paid position. LOVED it and miss team ASOS sooo much! xx
